Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hey long lost blog world! It has been a while... actually, it has just been too long. I realized, tonight while I watched Giuiliana and Bill and drank a bottle of wine, that I missed documenting my life. Be it for the random entertainment of someone who stumbles upon this blog, or for myself in 10 years to read about what my life was, I miss writing.

In order to make up for the lack of writing since January, I'll do a brief run down of my life and semester.

I took 19 credits again this semester and have survived, and been relatively successful! It is finals week next week, so it will be interesting to see how those go. As of now, I need solid B's and A's on all my tests to get A's in my classes. We'll see how that goes.

I spent spring break at home working, and other than a beautiful and very hung over day in Estes at the National Park, haven't been on any exciting trips. Mom, Dad and Margaret went on a scuba trip to Cozumel... and once again (flash back to freshmen year) asked me to go home to dog sit. Scuba-Roo was not happy that he was left, but I think I was harboring much more anger.

In February, I sprained my ankle for the first time EVER! It was a big deal. I was walking across the parking lot in four inch heels and a business suit, toting resumes and red lip stick to impress lots of people into hiring me for the summer at the Career Fair. I saw Emma's friend Christen, who is now on my Mary Kay team, and had a small burst of excitement and arm waving that lead me over a curb. Normally, tripping is pretty standard, but falling off a curb was not my best move. I managed to go literally face first... my ankle never moved that way before the surgery I had in June, so I was really shocked and immediately burst into tears while laughing from happiness. Christen helped me up and I had avoided ruining my outfit so I limped into the building to try to go to the Fair.

Two steps up the three flights I had separating me from the employers who were just waiting, poised to make my corporate dreams come true... I started to cry from pain. Now, I would like to think I am a pretty tough girl. When I dislocated my knee senior year, I laughed. Finding myself ridiculous seems to be my knee jerk reaction to pain. No pun intended. (HA!)

And then in swept Prince Charming... in his red Bravada. Poor Aaron has spent the last year cleaning up my messes, humoring my insanity and carrying me home in all states of sobriety, injury and exhaustion. In this case, he carried me home due to injury and stuck me on the couch, iced my ankle, and told me I was going to that Dish Network event. I had to, or so he said. And thank god for that kid because after that event I was invited to apply for their internship. Which, after a tedious and stressful month of interviews and IQ tests, I was accepted into.

In 22 days, I will be moving into a hotel in Denver to start work as a marketing intern for Dish, working in their PPV and Video on Demand department... porn and boxing... who would have thought. I am clinging onto the managers mention of sports events and celebrities and trying to maintain the idea that I can learn quickly. And if I have no idea what I am doing, at least I'll look awesome in my new clothes.

Who ever said student loans are not for business clothing? Nobody. That's who. And so the closet full of business attire will be my cover for total confusion and terror on my first day.

In other news, I got a dog :) I think that is what my last post was about, in January, but she is the best thing in my life. Poor Aaron has accepted that she loves me more and so he must now play second fiddle to a dog and to me.

And aside from a few nights out, crying that I will be a bad mom (woah there calm down.) and dancing on a bar, my semester has been school, Patron (the dog and the drink), and trying to stay sane! I have some great stories to come, so get excited :) LOVE YOU ALL. And missed you.

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