Thursday, August 25, 2011


Oh hey, strangers.

Remember those good ol' days when I was writing weekly? Kiss those babies goodbye. And say hello to 19 credits and daily asskickings.

Not to mention that I woke up with a migraine, burnt two bagels, went to the wrong classroom not once but TWICE in one day, and was the victim of black exploding ink from my favorite pen. Oh Thursdays, the things you do.

Despite my daily malfunctions and my seeming inability to find the correct classroom at the correct time, I am determined that this is going to be my best semester yet. My professors all seem to be hilarious with brains full of facts (okay, except my geology professor who is clearly not in his right mind because he is obsessed with rocks...).

My first professors began class by calling a kid a prostitute and then progressed to call a creepy guy on American Idol a pedophile. He also informed us that he hated when one student felt the need to comment on every single thing he said (you know, those ones that they speak and everyone immediately groans loudly and checks out on a mental vacation for the next three minutes.) He is by far the best professor I have ever had.

With most certainty I can tell you that when it comes to writing every Tuesday I will probably get an F-. Hopefully that won't be a trend. I will attempt to find funny things to write about so that this doesn't become yet another portal for my bitching.

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