Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Michelle, why don't you take a go at it and answer for us."

Every question the teacher asks seems to be self explanitory. You feel like a total genius, secretly knowing the answers in your head as he calls on all the students around you, and they flounder and flub speechless for the simple question laid before them. Silently you congratulate yourself, feeling victorious in that you know every. single. answer. Until your name is the card he pulls and you are so busy saying "wow, I am a total genius, muhaha." that you not only miss the question, but when asking to repeat it seem to have a slur. Then when he restates it, you actually have no idea what goes into retained earnings following the subtraction of net income and you are suddenly the person casting a low intelligence shadow over all your classmates. Remember that giddy feeling of intelligence... you lost that one baby. It is as if the moment your name comes out of his mouth, your mind is blank and all you have to hold onto is the fact that you do indeed know at least that it was your name, and you can spell it. But beyond that, you're screwed.

At least, I am.

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