Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oh, I hate you.

Sometimes I think about writing a book. The main subject would probably be love and how confusing it is. Or insulting people on accident, since that is something I know a lot about and seem to experience on a regular basis. Or baby cows or ducks. Those are all subjects that seem to thread a common theme in my life.

On the other hand, there are already an unholy number of books on love, and I don't know if I want to tell everyone every single stupid thing I do.

For example....

Tonight, a kid named Scott was at my house playing Mario Brothers with my roommate. Playing Mario Brothers is something still acceptable to do, kind of like running from your car to your door at night because you are scared or being really irritated when someone asks to borrow your new shoes. As he introduced himself I said, due to a lack of filter between what originates in my mind and comes out of my mouth "OH! Are you Courtney's Scott? Because if you are I hate you." to which he mumbled "no..." as my roommate mummbled "yes..." leaving me very confused, resulting in the response: Oh thank GOD you are not him!

Oh yes he was.

Turns out he had left my friend Courtney high and dry after a few too many dates for that to be okay... totally not an excusable thing, not similar to ageless events like Mario. At some point, you've gotta grow up when it comes to dating.

Long story short: I told a kid I hated him, to his face, based solely off of the drama between him and a friend of mine. Way. To. Go.

If you think of any good book ideas for me, aside from my humiliation, please let me know asap. Otherwise I will attempt to write blogs and perhaps someone will take pity and put them into one collection of my mess of a life.

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