Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Instead of studying I....

1. found a recipe for butterbeer on Pintrest.
2. found my engagement ring on Pintrest *only $4,600 instead of the $12,400 from Tiffany's*
3. ate a quarter of my pumpkin pie and half a tub of cool whip
4. stalked my boyfriend on Facebook
5. stalked my ex boyfriend on Facebook
6. stalked my dog on Facebook
7. posted the new Jenna Marbles video on my dog's Facebook
8. painted my nails
9. dropped a bowl, swept up the glass, put it in a cereal box
10. got back on Pintrest and stalked wedding things
11. got concerned about wedding obsession, reminded myself of life goals such as become rich, get a six pack, live in Sweden, etc.
12. put up our Christmas tree
13. opened notes and then got on Facebook to stalk kid in my class
14. tried to start study guide but couldn't find highlighter... searched for highlighter
15. found highlighter and then colored sheet of paper with highlighter.

and 16. wrote a blog since I have nothing else to do and keep meaning to write again.

Distraction: accomplished.

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