Monday, July 4, 2011

All forms of crutching.

In my absence (which you all were noticing and getting depressed over....) I was busy crutching in the follow places/forms:
Starbucks crutching
Naked crutching
Intoxicated on pain killers crutching
Ninja jumping over things crutching
Transformers 3 crutching
Partially clothed crutching
Pissed off about being on crutches crutching
Speed crutching
One crutch one hop crutching
Feed me now Mom or I will hit you with a crutch crutching

Unfortunately, my life has also consisted of watching every single stupid show on TV all day long and killing my attention span and ability to focus. However, on Wednesday I am off crutches and will (theoretically and hopefully) have more adventures to write about. I lied to you a lot already though, promising to write about more interesting and entertaining experiences, and I failed. Shame. On. Me.

In other news....
Happy Fourth of July! Be glad that you weren't born to parents in Afghanistan or Antarctica.

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