Friday, June 10, 2011

21 Letters

Timed tests. 60 minutes to regurgitate what you memorized last night at two am. Or 55 minutes if your name is 21 letters long and filling in the scan tron is the most difficult part of the test.

If I become president of the United States, the first thing I will do is require teachers to handout their scan trons five minutes before the test so that those of us cursed with obscenely long names have time to fairly fill in our bubbles without being penalized for our parent's mistakes. Why should we be victims of shorter testing times simply because our forefathers has some unpronounceable name from Europe when they arrived which became a long alphabet soup last name?

Also, I would like to express my irritation that, when picking my middle name as Ann, my parents did not at least go to the extreme and add an "e" to the end. Go big or go home.

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