Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My ego's the size of Alaska.

Yesterday, I had a startling realization that I might be a bit overly confident. That might be due to a few events:
1. Cute boy sitting by me in math class
2. Hot black boy sneakily asking for my number
3. Being told repeatedly by my father that I am a princess/gorgeous/beautiful (which might seem highly ironic if you read my blog post from yesterday.)

Regardless, a certain event yesterday reminded me that not only am I not allowed to yell in a Ron Burgundy fashion: "Hey everybody, come and see how good I look!" but also: my intelligence is most definitely disappearing the more and more math I try to learn.

I was driving to King Soopers and was going to make a right hand turn at a stop light. After pulling up right behind the car sitting in the right hand turning lane, I noticed a guy who was probably about 27 leaning out his window staring at me. Now, because I am obviously so strikingly gorgeous and breathtaking, this was one of those "Oh haha look at you creeper, watch me roll up my window and turn up my music" moments. Even after shooting him a nasty look, he continued full on window leaning staring at me as they pulled away and turned left at the light. It was as everyone else pulled past me that I questioned why the car in front of my wasn't going anywhere. And as the alleged creeper drove off, I realized that it was not my drop dead looks that had him staring, but his utter disbelief that I was sitting in a parking lane, behind an empty Chevy, waiting to turn right. Now, I tried to play it off like "Oh la-di-da I am waiting for my friend who lives here..." and once all witnesses had left I pulled back out, made the right hand turn from the one of two lanes on that road, and left with an ego now about the size of Rhode Island.

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