Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tick Tock Tuesday

Do you ever have those weeks or months where all of a sudden your days seem too short to get even a fraction of the things on your to-do list done? It was 11:30 last night when I realized I had failed, not only at writing a blog, but to even think about something to write about. Normally I have a few good ideas, and I have been thinking about a couple that I should write about but now, when I have fifteen minutes to waste before class, of course I cannot think of a single one. Instead, I have spent five minutes scrolling through pictures of Kim Kardashian and her soon-to-be husband. Doing so reminded me, once again, that you never know where you will hear what your heart needs. I read a book called Captivating, last summer, and it talks about how when there is a really beautiful sunrise, or when something random speaks to you, that is like a love note from God.

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about vulnerability and risk. There is a certain comfort level in being single; I can do what I want, when I want to, and am perfectly happy taking long baths, reading, and drinking Mike's hard on the couch while watching Bones by myself. But in the book, they talk about how true happiness comes from allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Isn't that kind of a strange concept? That risk is what actually brings satisfaction? But if I look at my life, I believe that to be true. My greatest fears, risks and potential failures for the most part resulted in a feeling of living to the fullest. So as I was stalking Kim, I read that her engagement ring has the bible verse John 3:18 which says "Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."

Of course, in the midst of returning to the States, returning to school, and the start of summer I have been caught up in the whole complexity of growth. I wrote about this before, from Spain, but the ideas of change, vulnerability, risk and growth never seem to be settled. And as I have wasted so much time trying to figure this out, I realized that maybe it is really as simple as just living love through actions. Maybe it is not about what I think about to write each week, or what I say. Because really when it comes down to it, the whole actions speak louder than words phrase is so true. Perhaps they took that snippet of wisdom from the Bible. Regardless, I was reminded that sometimes, even during the most embarrassing of internet stalking, you read what you needed to hear. So for today that is what is on my mind. Emma graduates this weekend, and so until then, when I will undoubtedly post a long and sappy story about how sad I am that we are old, I hope you have a truly beautiful week :) XX

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