Sunday, May 29, 2011

In the bird versus squirrel war...

This is how our morning played out: my dad was in the kitchen loading his plate with eggs on toast with bacon, when all of a sudden he starts going "DEAL WITH IT, NO NO GO OUT THERE AND YELL GO NOW GO GO." as if he was having a sudden conniption over a non-existent football game being played. His outburst was meet with very concerned stares, to which he responded with bolting down to the living room carrying his plate trying to yell more and not spill. After analysis, we realized there was a squirrel literally being attacked by a robin in a tree. Which of course set Roo off in an attack of emotion to rival my father's and they were off. The robins are not down for the count. Not with "pellet-itis" sweeping our yard population of squirrels. Roo has adopted the job of baby robin guard, protecting the nest. I am not sure he knows that is his job, but he is finding it particularly entertaining that the squirrels are mysteriously flocking to that tree and thus he gets to chase them into a new one. It was all downhill (or down to the ground and out of the tree) from there. Roo thought he scared the squirrel to death and was very cocky following the stealth shooting action that occurred on the side of my father. But sadly for him he had to be leashed so he didn't go into a frenzy of pride and eat the squirrel. Roo... not my dad.

Team Squirrel: -1
Team Robin: +4 eggs

And as Tom eloquently put it "In the battle of robins against squirrels, I am on the side of the robins and I will lay down the law."
You tell them Dad, you show those squirrels who runs this yard.

And here is a perfect and hilarious video for you. It would not be surprising if this was me, but sadly it isn't. Instead I was kissing trout and poking their eyes when I was four. Not much has changed.

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