Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Knocked up or not?

So for all you fellow Harry Potter readers or watchers, I am throwing this out there:

If you had sex when you had taken polyjuice potion, could you get knocked up? Like, could Harry get knocked up if he took it and turned into Hermione? Also, if you were Hermione and turned into Harry (or Fleur, but we all know that she felt iiiideous as Harry) wouldn't you be entirely freaked out by having an extra appendage down there? There is nothing I would like less than that, aside from having a beard. Each would be awful. So ponder that and let me know. Because I doubt JK is going to email me back... I think she needs to write me a personal letter answering all my questions.

But I think God should do that too, and I've spent too many birthday wishes asking for answers. So I will settle for mind boggled-ness. For now.

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