Thursday, June 9, 2011

Life Lesson: Don't wear shorts to drive.

Leather seats and shaved, lotion legs (sorry boys, I can't relate to your hairy ones) are not a sexy combo. In fact, they are a slimy, sticky and sweaty combo that is anything except attractive. Let it be known that driving in shorts is a poor idea. Unless you have cloth seats.

Also, can I just ask what the deal is with people loving leather seats? Not only does it make you feel about as sweaty as a body builder working out in the Sahara, but it burns the absolute life out of your legs when you sit down on your seat on a sunny day.

I suppose the only benefit to a boiling hot seat is if you were on a date and were able to say.... "Are the seat heaters on, because your ass is so hot."

Which I invented while driving with my mother. It can't come as too much of a surprise that she constantly asks us where she went wrong and how she creates such strange children.

Regardless, I find leather seats to be a very anti-hotness invention in the form of actual heat. How are we supposed to sexy our way out of tickets if we have to wear pants all the time to avoid ass scalding and sweating?

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